The Heemskerck is owned by P&O Nedlloyd, London. Since 25th June 2005 named P&O Nedlloyd Dubai and scraped in China 2006

Departure (ATD) Wednesday 10th April 2002, 07:00 h from Rotterdam, the Netherlands
Arrival (ATA) Tuesday 30th April 2002, 21:00 h in Cape Town, South Africa

Calls Schedule:
Port Arrival   Departure  
Rotterdam     Wednesday 10-Apr-2002 07:00 h
Tilbury Thursday 11-Apr-2002 00:30 h Friday 12-Apr-2002 00:00 h
Bremerhaven Saturday 13-Apr-2002 01:00 h Saturday 13-Apr-2002 22:00 h
Tenerife Wednesday 17-Apr-2002 17:00 h Wednesday 17-Apr-2002 01:00 h
Las Palmas Thursday 18-Apr-2002 06:00 h Thursday 18-Apr-2002 16:00 h
Cape Town Tuesday 30-Apr-2002 21:30 h    
Heemskerck leaving Hoek van Holland on December 6th 2001 at 10:40 h
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